From Agony To Freedom

Brian McMichan from Queensland shares the physical benefits of forgiveness.

In late 1989 I was stricken with severe “crippling” back and body pain and often I fell on my knees in agony.  After 9 months of treatment/pain killers, etc., I asked my doctor, “What is the prognosis?” …. his reply was, “We could operate, but you may end up a total cripple!” I went home in total despair and in an empty house, I looked up and pleaded, “Help me!”.

Within 15 minutes a friend drove into my driveway. I thought, “I don’t need people at this time!” I asked him, “What are you doing here Pete?” He held out a book on self-treatment for back and body pain and said, “I was at home and was prompted to get this book from my book-shelf and bring it to you!” I immediately thought, “WOW, that was quick!”

I followed the instructions in the book and in THREE days, all my pain went and I haven’t had a twinge since … almost 33 years.

Pain free, I looked up again and asked, “What else do You have for me?”  I started to receive all sorts of Christian information in my mail-box, hand outs in the street, etc. A few weeks later I made my life commitment to Lord Jesus.

Another transforming event happened in my life. In 1992, I was given a brochure by a woman on a bus – “Forgiveness, The Power that Heals”

Back at home, I read the brochure. Then, I sat alone on my back verandah, with a pad and pen (to show God I was serious), and I appealed to Him to remind me of anyone that I had not forgiven (I thought I had forgiven everyone).

The very first names I was given were my grandfather and grandmother. I at once questioned God, “Why do I have to forgive them? They died before I was born!” His prompt reply was, “Because you resented them dying because you didn’t have grandparents like other children did!” I replied, “Yes, that’s true.”  I wrote down their names.

Over the next hour I wrote out about a page and a half of names (people who had wronged me) at school, a teacher, work associates, etc. etc. and of course myself for various things I had “buried”.


I then imagined Jesus beside me and one by one, I pictured each of the people coming to me. I forgave them and related why I needed to forgive them. Then I asked Jesus to forgive them and then they disappeared from view. That took about one & a half  hours. WOW, what a difference in my life. The “ailments” disappeared and my understanding of God’s forgiveness and love was powerfully strengthened. I have not taken a headache tablet since. I used to wear prescription glasses. I am not on any medication. I have no aches or pains and I can’t remember the last time I had a cold.

For with God nothing is ever impossible {and} no word from God shall be without power {or} impossible of fulfilment. (Luke 1:37) [All He wants is for us to seek His help].

Unfortunately, many people hold onto their resentments, hurts, etc. Quite often they think, “I will never forgive ….. for what he/she did to me!” Sadly, this binds them to the hurt (and creates a spiritual “tie” to the person who hurt them). Forgiveness (with God’s help) is the only way to cut that “tie”. Sometimes they even blame God (or those they think represents God on earth) for their troubles. Once the “blockage” of un-forgiveness is gone, this opens the way for numerous “blessings” to come into people’s lives.

God wants all people to be free, all He asks is for them to believe and put their trust in Him.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favour has come..” (Luke 4:18-19 NLT)
